'No' is a Complete Sentence!

In our society, the default answer to almost every question is "yes". We are bombarded with advertising that aims to get us to say "yes" to everything, leading to us feeling trapped, guilty, and frustrated.

The truth is, saying "no" can be one of the most powerful words we can use - if we can manage it. While it is important to be clear on what we want to say "yes" to, it is equally important to be clear on when to say "no".

Saying "yes" when we really mean "no" can lead to resentment, frustration, and dissatisfaction. So, how do we figure out the right answer?

The most important step is to understand what is important to us.

ake a moment to reflect on what energizes us and what drains us. This will help us determine our "yes/no" list of life.

The next step is honesty. Are you ready, willing, and able to be honest with yourself and others? Start small by saying "no" to something insignificant and notice how it feels.

Once you are comfortable with this, the hard part is saying "no" to something you've already said "yes" to. But it's the same technique - be honest, patient, and understanding.

Speak clearly about your decision without guilt or shame.

By being open and honest, we can communicate clearly from our hearts about what truly matters to us. Over time, saying "no" becomes easier and we have to correct ourselves less and less.

If you need help around setting and KEEPING firm boundaries, schedule a free discovery call to see how The New Classic Woman coaching can help you say NO with confidence, strength and grace today!

Angela Gray