From Chaos to Clarity: How Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life

uestion, but most of us don’t pay much attention to the constant chatter in our minds. However, what we focus on in our thoughts can significantly impact our lives. This is where subconscious reprogramming comes in.

What you focus on expands. If you are constantly worrying about this or that…then guess what? You will attract more events in your life to worry about. It is that simple. If you tell yourself NOT to worry about something…well, you are focused on it, so you ARE worrying about it. The trick is to think about what you DO want and not what you DON’T want. Did I say it was easy? No, it’s not easy to change a lifetime of habitual thinking, but being aware of it is a step in the right direction. You will now begin to catch yourself in your internal dramas. When you do, try and change the thought to something that makes you feel better. If you feel better, you become ‘unstuck’ from your current drama and move on. Your perspective changes, and you are in the flow for now. Sometimes, feeling better means you will run through negative emotions such as anger or revenge, but if it lifts you out of depression or despair, it is a step in the right direction. You can continue moving up the emotional scale until you feel more positive emotions such as pleasure, love, and gratitude.

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Angela Gray
Life Happens Outside Your Phone

I hope you had —and are still having— an amazing summer. What I've gathered from the many beautiful women around me (entrepreneurs or otherwise) is that this year truly called for a real summer break. So many of us wanted to truly practice and cultivate more presence for our REAL life- not just the one post about.

We wanted more travel and adventure. We craved more quality time with our families and friends. We wanted to get to know ourselves more intimately - meaning, we wanted to truly heal and/or understand our hurts, traumas, desires, and even our…

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Live like Alice in Wonderland

Living in the past is keeping you stuck because you are only open to seeing the past.

You have given meaning to everything you see based on the past.
It is why you are never upset for the reasons you think you are.
Projection is Perception.
You project your past onto the present.
You project your past into your future.

You are continuing to operate from past events, emotions, and circumstances that are keeping you in this negative loop of despair, hurt & abandonment.

You need to look with fresh eyes & heart.

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Angela Gray
4 Questions to get in Alignment with your Big Goals

These 4 NLP questions use the language of your mind to make your goals bigger, brighter, and easier to see and feel in your mind. When you can see your desires clearly in your mind, your reticular activating system literally seeks out experiences and opportunities that match your vision so your success is inevitable! This NLP technique is a laser beam to manifest your desires!

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