Tap, Tap, Tap... Is this thing on?? Your guide to Tapping/EFT



“Emotional Freedom Technique.”

It seems you can’t go very far on the interwebs without hearing these words. But what does it all mean? Are these just trendy buzzwords that don’t mean anything? Is this just some over-priced hippie-dippie thing you find at Whole Foods like kombucha or coconut water?

Relax… I’m here to help you! Just like kombucha and coconut water, Tapping, also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is really good for you, and not just some weird, trendy thing to pass time until the world gets back to normal (whatever ‘normal’ is, amirite?). And I’m about to explain it all to you for free in this blog post! (You don’t even have to pay Whole Food prices!)

This guide has been created for people, just like you, who are curious about what exactly this Tapping thing is. Inside you’ll learn the history, science, and application behind EFT.

You’ve probably heard of this thing called acupressure or acupuncture before, right? Well, this is kind of like EFT’s parents. Acupuncture and Acupressure are based on specific meridian points stimulated by a tiny needle underneath the skin. Tapping was created, originally, around the late 1970’s by Dr Roger Callahan who learned Applied Kinesiology and studied the meridian system of acupuncture in search of solutions to some of the problems his patients encountered, particularly those with anxiety and phobias.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) has been proven to resolve issues like stress, anxiety, phobias, emotional disorders, chronic pain, weight control, limiting beliefs, even headaches, cramps, balance energy levels (who needs coffee every day just to wake up? Not me, anymore, thanks to daily tapping sessions!) and so much more!

Imagine you have an old TV set and you took the back off and jammed a screwdriver in there? It would go ZZZzzZT!

And POOF. The picture would go out. There was a disruption of energy.

The same thing happens to us as humans. Something happens, an external trigger and our energy system gets jammed, we lose our balance…and feel not our best. It is at that moment we can CHOOSE to step away to take just 2 minutes to ourselves to go through a tapping session. Just 2 minutes is all it takes to take control of our life by rebalancing our energy system so we can go on creating and living our most amazing life!

How Do I Do EFT Tapping?

You can easily do Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) ANYWHERE! All you need is your fingertips and the basic outline to put yourself through your very own tapping session!

In any moment where you want to shift your emotions, feel way better, you can simply start by:

  1. Rate the intensity on a scale of 0-10

  2. Tapping on your Karate Chop point on the side of the hand

  3. While doing this, focus on your problem while saying the name of the problem out loud : “Even though I have this *problem* I completely and totally accept myself (repeat this 3 times)

  4. Then go through each of the different meridian points while tapping and saying the same affirmation.

  5. Go through all the points

  6. Re-rank yourself on a scale of 0-10

  7. Tap through all the points again

  8. Repeat 6 & 7 over and over again

  9. On the last round tap in the positive ‘, I am______” statements

  10. Go on being amazing!

Tapping Points

  1. Karate Chop Point

    • This is mainly used for EFT setup and it’s located on the soft part of the hand between the little finger and the wrist.

  2. Eyebrow Point

    • At the beginning of the eyebrows and closest to the bridge of the nose.

  3. Side of Eye

    • On the bone directly near the outside corner of the eye.

  4. Under Eye

    • Located on the bone directly underneath the eye.

  5. Under Nose

    • Above the upper lip, the small area between the bottom of your nose.

  6. Chin Point

    • Below your bottom lip and above the chin.

  7. Collarbone Point

    • Located at the starting from where your collar bones meet in the center, the place where the sternum or breastbone.

  8. Under Arm

    • On your side, about four inches down from your armpit.

  9. Top of Head

    • Directly on top of your head.

Remember, just like most things- the more you apply this practice to your daily life, the better and more effective it will get. You don’t brush your teeth once and expect perfect teeth- You do it daily. Multiple times a day. Where can you add a Tapping session to your daily routine? In addition to the times throughout the day when you need to rebalance?

You have all you need to put yourself through an effective Tapping session with this guide on tapping. And if you would like a personalized session or be taught personally by a Certified Practioner of EFT, just tap this link to schedule your Single Session with me.

Happy Tapping!

Angela Gray