Can NLP beat learning disabilities and help kids excel at education?

If you have children, or perhaps nieces or nephews, maybe you are a teacher or mentor to young kids… you know how they can pull on your heartstrings.

So, when a mother called an NLP Practitioner in tears because her only son was failing school, he said he just had to help him.

See, this boy had been diagnosed at 4 years old with dyslexia.

And when he asked what that meant, the doctor (trying to phrase it so a four-year-old would understand) said, "Well, son, it sort of means you're broken and you can't read like the other kids do."

Fast forward almost fifteen years...  He has been held back.  He has been relegated to "special needs" classes with severely disabled children.  He has been on academic probation.  And his mother didn't know who to turn to.

Now, NLP can't "cure" dyslexia, but it sure can help cope with the challenges someone with that diagnosis deals with.

Within four hours of starting the NLP session, he was not only feeling better about his future, but actually excited about school for the first time in his life.

He called back a week later beaming that he had aced his first reading and essays of the year.

And, the NLP Practitioner got paid to do what they love — helping others.

Imagine having the knowledge to help those people around you — perhaps even creating a fulfilling and lucrative career helping people live magnificently.

You can learn how to do that do at the next NLP Practitioner Training, coming up soon. Click the link below to see other dates and locations available on the schedule.

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Angela Gray