Grieving & Loss (Free guided hypnosis included)

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When I started my journey to become a mindset coach, I had just lost my Grandfather. He was my rock. My guiding light. He still is. My husband was away on deployment. I was alone. I was trying my best to keep it together and stay strong for our son who was only 4 at the time. I KNEW learning about the subconscious mind would help me navigate those turbulent waters of grief.

In the years I’ve seen so many people hurting, aching from the loss of their loved ones. The words are never quite enough…our language at times can seem so primitive. Partly because I still, even writing this, are hanging on to tears wanting to flow down my face. It’s sort of a new part of me. I feel others hurt so strongly because it reminds me of mine. All I can do is meet you with loving energy. I never want to overstep my boundaries when it comes to grief because this kind of loss is so personal and fluid. One minute you are good, the next you are hit with a reminder your family or friend is no longer with you. It could be a smell, a phrase, a food, or for me… a Family Feud commercial could bring a flood of memories of sitting with Grandpa on his leather couch just laughing for 30 minutes straight every day!

This pandemic has taken the lives of too many, too soon.

Life, as joyous it can be, can be taken in an instant. Those of us remaining, changed forever.

Sometimes, we don’t seek out or have access to resources to help us through the grief of losing someone close to us.

Sometimes we are too busy taking care of those around us, we forget to tend to ourselves.

I have created a free guided hypnosis to help you navigate and ease your grief. In no way am I suggesting you will be free from the natural hurt from your loss anymore, but it will help ease the burden carried in your heart, soul and mind. Loss of a loved one is not something you ‘get over’ and I am absolutely not promising a ‘quick fix’ of any kind with this recording. YOU still have to feel through the feelings and it will take as long as it takes. This is just another tool you can use in your toolbox to take the reins on your healing.

Please enjoy this free guided hypnosis. I hope you find peace & your soul finds rest.

Keep on living your life to the fullest! That’s the best way to honor your loved ones!

Please let me know if you tried this hypnosis and what you thought. You can email me directly through this link, or comment below.

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