4 Questions to get in Alignment with your Big Goals

Sometimes our BIG GOALS just don’t feel right. They feel out of reach. They feel fuzzy. We feel unsure if we even want what we are asking for. We ruminate. We overthink to the point of killing our dreams.

“However, these 4 NLP questions use the language of your mind to make your goals bigger, brighter, and easier to see and feel in your mind. When you can see your desires clearly in your mind, your reticular activating system literally seeks out experiences and opportunities that match your vision so your success is inevitable! This NLP technique is a laser beam to manifest your desires!

4 questions to ask yourself when you need clarity around your desired outcome:

  1. What will happen if you did get it?

  2. What will happen if you didn’t?

  3. What wouldn’t happen if you didn’t?

  4. What wouldn’t happen if you did?

How much more desirable, clear and ACHIEVABLE is your desired goal after you ask yourself these questions?

When I finally started creating goals around these 4 questions, I found that I freed up more time for being present for my family and stressed less about making sure I was hustling to hit that elusive $10k months. As a mom and a wife I often struggle with guilt around my personal goals & aspirations. These questions help me get clear on what is truly important to me around my goals. It’s helped me find balance with working towards my big career goals & what truly matters most to me RIGHT NOW. Both of these pieces have become invaluable to me over time. How would your life change if you followed the same model? Are there any pieces of my list that you can immediately begin implementing? How would doing that change your day? I’d love to know what shifts you felt after asking these questions! Comment below and let me know!

In The Mahal Method Coaching Programs, I ask questions like these to help you add rocket fuel to your manifestations! If you are interested in working together here is a link to my current offers.

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