5 Simple Steps to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams using NLP!

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With so many coaches and influencers in the online space talking about ‘manifesting your goals’ like its the newest thing on the block (You’ve been manifesting your whole life, you just may have not realized your language is as powerful as it is), it’s important you learn the WHY along with the HOW to create a map to your ultimate goals. And I’m gonna tell ya all the secrets to the sauce here in this blog!

If you are truly ready to live the life you’ve always dreamed of, to see your goals and aspirations come to life like you had your very own personal Fairy Godmother, keep reading! Just be sure to APPLY the action steps! Knowledge without action is like making a 5-course gourmet meal just to let it sit on the table to rot. It does nobody any favors!

5 Simple Steps to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams using NLP:

  1. Get SPECIFIC AF on your Outcome!

    • What will you see, hear & feel when you have it? Our minds work in pictures, feelings, and sounds. The clearer your picture, the faster you’ll manifest your desires!

  2. What’s your evidence?

    • How will you know when you have it? For example, I know I have manifested a certain amount of money when I see it in my account. I know I have manifested a blog post when I hit ‘publish’. How do you know you have reached the goal?

  3. Establish resources.

    • What personal resources do you have that will allow you to achieve this? Are you persistent, organized, or excited? Are you optimistic? Are you calm? Are you balls-to-the-wall laser focused?

    • Do you know anyone who has achieve it before? What resources did they have? Can you model any of their behaviors?

    • Imagine you have it now. Other than those already mentioned, what resources did you use to get it?

  4. State what you DO want with positive language. (Not what you don’t want)

    • The mind does not process negatives. When you say ‘I DON’T want to be broke’, your mind only registers ‘I want to be broke’. This is the same reason you tell kiddos how you WANT them to behave vs. what you don’t want them to do.

    • You have to picture what you don’t want in your mind to even understand the sentence. ex: ‘Don’t think of a blue elephant!’ You have to picture the blue elephant, even though I said ‘not to’.

  5. Journal it out!

    • Write your goals, dreams and aspirations as if you already have them! You will write (and read to yourself OUT LOUD)

      • ‘It is now July 31, 2025…’

      • ‘I have…’

      • ‘I am…’

      • ‘I do…’

That’s it! Easy Peasy Lemon-Squeezy!

As long as you are confident you understand your true desires and stay in actionable alignment with your authentic self, the steps listed above will help you get out of your own way to manifest your wildest dreams! Remember, our only limitations are the ones we agree to.

In 2017 when my son was just 2 years old I decided I was going to become a personal coach for other moms. I knew I wanted to be trained with the best schools in order to help transform the lives of women, specifically moms. So, in 2018, after a full year of researching the very best health coaching programs, I enrolled with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and was certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in 2019. That same year I enrolled with Transform Destiny to dive further into my interest in brain-based communications for families, which led to certification in NLP, Hypnotherapy, Life & Success Coach in the Fall of 2020. This was while my husband was on deployment across the globe as I was solo-parenting our son. Now in 2021, I am officially certified as a Master NLP Practioner, Master Life & Success Coach, Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master TIME Techniques Practioner, EFT Practioner. I am currently homeschooling our 6-year-old son in Montessori and still find time to read about a book a month.

I used these same steps and principles to create the life I am now living! I continue to use these guidelines on my way to my even bigger dreams of being able to create massive positive change in the lives of women across the globe through my programs, courses, and content online! I’ve come so far using these very steps- a lot of these goals and dreams I never thought possible with the life I had growing up!

I am living proof this NLP Goal setting using science-based subconscious language works!

Go full in with this process for just 30 days with the same gusto and belief you did as a child in Santa! Your life will change in ways you never imagined before!

If you’re still struggling to find what you need, feel free to leave your questions in the comment section below. I’ll do my best to answer them for you (and my other readers will be thankful you were brave enough to ask).

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