It's time to Break Through!

In my work, your success is my greatest fulfillment, & a Breakthrough Day is the key to achieving the success you want in any area of life.

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Your Breakthrough Day is a six- to eight-hour NLP session designed to work on an entire area of life. Together we will erase all the old programming, negative stories and more that keep you from living the life you’ve always dreamed of!

Regular Single Sessions are focused on a single issue that you want to resolve in your life, and NLP techniques are fantastic at solving these one-off issues. These types of problems are equivalent to a flower that has a few withering flowers. NLP Practioner techniques treat each petal one by one. The issue is that it can sometimes take many techniques, or even many sessions, to address all the withering and decaying petals in a client's life, or an area of life.

I know you are ready for your Breakthrough Day! Book your session here to CLAIM YOUR BREAKTHROUGH! Spots are very limited, so book now!

My Breakthrough Day, instead, focus on root causes affecting an entire area of life: relationships, family, career, finances, health, and fitness, personal growth and development, or spirituality. And, of course, when you fix the roots, the whole flower becomes big, bold & beautifully bright again as it’s birthright once again! By working with all layers of the mind (identity, values, beliefs, potential, behaviors, and results) & using all tools in my Master Practitioner toolbelt, we can transform an entire area of your life. When you transform one area of life, the positive results trickle out to all others.

The Mahal Method NLP Breakthrough Day is, quite literally, the most transformative thing you will ever do in your life.

I am available as a trained Master Practitioner for your Breakthrough Session for personal success, which includes:

Discover Your Roots
I will guide you through a process called the Detailed Personal History which will uncover the root causes ("roots") that are causing any challenges (all the "fallen petals") in the area of life that your session is focused on.

Release All Negative Emotions
Using TIME Techniques™, I will assist you to completely release all negative emotions from the past, including anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, and more. This is like hitting a cosmic "reset button" on your life and returning you back to a natural state of happiness, joy, and motivation.

Eliminate All Limiting Beliefs and Limiting Decisions
Using TIME Techniques™, I will help you uncover and release all limiting beliefs and limiting decisions that are holding you back in the area of life your session is focused on and ensure that you leave with empowering, positive beliefs that will drive you to the successful outcomes you want for that area of life.

Eliminating Obstacles with NLP
I will use every tool in my toolbelt — from all NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner techniques to hypnotherapy to EFT and more — to eliminate all obstacles that hold you back from success. Milton H. Erickson, famed hypnotherapist and one of the founding models of NLP, once said that he realized that all of his client’s obstacles began with their mindset. Your Mahal Method Breakthrough Session will help you permanently change your mindset toward success.

Solving Inner Conflict
Maybe you are torn, conflicted, or confused when it comes to success. So many people attach moral meaning to wealth or believe that they don't deserve to make a lot of money, have personal happiness, or meet the love of their life. Or when they get what they want they self-sabotage because deep down they are running a negative story loop of unworthiness programmed into their subconscious from early childhood. How terrible is it that most people will never know true love, success, and happiness because of this simple fact? I will help you uncover your deepest conflicts you didn’t even know were still there, deep within your cells still running the show, using advanced NLP Techniques to eradicate and liberate you from those internal conflicts, so you can live your ultimate potential!

What’s Really Important? A lot of times, the things we think are important don't really match up with the idea of success we have in our minds. I will help you to discover what is important to you and move those values and beliefs so they are in full integrity with your desires, dreams, and goals.

Define Your Desires
Once we have eliminated all that holds you back, it's like turning on the afterburners in the area of life your session is focused on. At that point, all you need is the destination set in your internal GPS system or your Subconscious Mind. So the final step of the session is to help you design your new desired outcomes and to create a "master plan" for you to easily achieve them. I will then use TIME Techniques™ and hypnotherapy tools to actually place that future into your subconscious mind, making it an inevitable reality!

Your session is fully guaranteed. If we don't meet the goals we mutually define during your session, I will continue to work with you for free until we get that result. You have unlimited Voxer support 2 weeks after your Breakthrough Day with me as well! When you pay in full reserves you 1 (60-min) complimentary session to use within the 4 weeks of your Breakthrough Day!

Request a Free Consultation

A Mahal Method Breakthrough Session will absolutely be the best investment you will ever make in your life and your results. Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION for a no-pressure discovery call to talk to you about the possibilities for you.

I know you are ready for your Breakthrough Day! Book your session now to CLAIM YOUR BREAKTHROUGH! Spots are very limited, so click here to book now!

Your Breakthrough Day is the key to achieving the success you want in any area of life.

Your Breakthrough Day is the key to achieving the success you want in any area of life.