3 Easy Steps to Take Charge of Your Mind, Body & Life!

Most people don’t realize that the voice inside their heads, their subconscious minds, is running the show when it comes to what’s holding them back with their confidence, every day. 

Believe it or not, you have been programmed to believe we are less than enough; less than perfect; less than beautiful. When in fact you were born wholly beautiful and enough just the way you are, and even still RIGHT NOW, just because you are. 

Nothing will ever change that truth. 

Your face, your body, your mind & soul. EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS ABSOLUTELY DIVINE as is, right now!

This programming has had its claws in us since we were in our mother’s wombs! Whatever our mothers experience, we experience. Women, (men & everyone) for ages have been comparing themselves to one another, yet our generation is bombarded more and more than anyone before. We are constant targets to campaigns of BILLIONS of dollars by major corporations and experts trying to convince us that we are ugly, fat & need something that they have to make us beautiful and happy.

When the truth is YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, now. Just as you are. 

That was the slingshot behind my desire to become a coach. I was tired of my friends and family settling for less because they could not see their innate power and beauty. I was tired of seeing cycles being lived over and over because these BEAUTIFUL SOULS could not see their strength in their hearts. If they could only see what I saw in them…, YOU can live the life you truly desire!

My desire to help women see their potential and live an amazing life led me to become certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in 2018 through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). In 2020 I became certified as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming  Practitioner (NLP), Life & Success Coach, TIME Techniques Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapy & Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner (EFT/Tapping) through Transform Destiny. In 2021 I have achieved the highest level as a Master NLP Practitioner, Master Life & Success Coach, Master Time Techniques Practitioner & Master Hypnotherapist, also through Transform Destiny. 

I share this to let you know that I know my stuff when it comes to Subconscious Mastery. My life started with sexual trauma, mental and emotional neglect & trauma in a home with drugs, racial discord. My teenage years were filled with eating disorders, perfectionism, misdiagnosed mental disorders via parental narcissism & scapegoating. Followed by more toxic relationships, and domestic abuse so scary I felt safer hiding and living in my car. 

Because to know how I started and where I am now- it’s nothing short than a refusal to live a life less than what I KNEW IN MY HEART, even as a young child at 7 while these abuses were happening to me, that I was meant to live a life of love and greatness. 

So what does this have to do with Body Love and Confidence?


I was so conditioned to believe that my purpose as a girl was connected to my body. To my looks. To what someone else thought of my body. The thing is, what anyone else thinks of your body can and will change in an instant; by the whims of the breeze. So, if you are holding your breath for someone else to lift you up, you will be left deflated & gasping for air before you even begin to live your life.   

I bet if you are still here reading this that means I bet you have felt this too, at one time or another. Maybe even now?

You may realize that the more confident you are, the more power you have over, not only of your body & mind, but your LIFE! And when you have control over your life, you can manifest whatever you desire into your life, easily & effortlessly!

Now, I know you are asking yourself how do you go from thinking your body is ‘Blah to BANGIN’!’?

Well, that’s where the conscious and subconscious mind mastery takes place:

  1. When you DECIDE TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH THAT YOU ARE WORTHY, ENOUGH & INNATELY BEAUTIFUL ON A SOUL LEVEL, that is the very first step to body confidence in front of the camera & center stage of your life!

  2. Start taking note of the people, places & things that make you feel great vs the less than great about yourself & begin concentrating on choosing the ones who lift you up! Believe it or not, you get to choose where your energy goes. NO ONE gets a free pass to you! You are valuable af & as soon as you decide your energetic boundaries a lot of energy suckers will just fall off on their own! 

  3. Every time you pass a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself OUT LOUD (your subconscious mind works in pictures, feelings & sounds) something nice. It can be as simple as:

  • ‘Good morning, Beautiful. You have such pretty eyes.’  - or -

  • ‘Hi. I love you. I’m proud of you.’ - or -

  • ‘Hi. You made it another day. I’m proud of you. You are so brave & beautiful.’

Follow these 3 easy steps every day and that energy will ooze out of you like honey! That’s when everything you desire will be magnetized to you because you are vibrating at a level so high all the things you speak into existence becomes your reality! 

Take charge of your mind; Take charge of your body; Take charge of your life! 

To help the readers of The New Classic Woman blog I’ve made a specially recorded hypnosis to help you along your body confidence journey. This hypnosis is going to rewire and cement new neural networks & instinctively reinforce subconsciously, like breathing, that you are strong, beautiful, smart & innately worthy of all your desires & more! One listen is all it takes to create new pathways to confidence, and the more you listen to my ‘Calm & Confident Hypnosis’ the easier and quicker it will be! Listen to this hypnosis anytime you need a boost & just FEEL how much more confident, sexy & powerful you are in your magnificent body! 

Grab your ‘Calm & Confident Hypnosis’ here & start living your most powerful daydreams now!

Mahal, Anji

Anji Gray is Certified as a Master NLP Practitioner, Master Life & Success Coach, Master Time Techniques Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) & Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN) specializing in releasing negative emotions, limiting decisions & limiting beliefs. Anji offers single sessions, multiple session packages, and Breakthrough days. To work with Anji please contact her at Anji@TheNewClassicWoman.com to learn more about how coaching with a Master NLP Practitioner can help you!