Embracing My Power: Rising Above Industry Giants

In the face of adversity, I discovered my own strength and refused to be silenced.

Today, I want to share my journey with you, as I navigate the challenges of standing up to industry giants. It's a story of resilience, personal growth, and finding my voice in a world that often tries to drown it out.

Unveiling the Bullying Tactics:

Recently, a well-known industry coach attempted to silence my podcast, claiming it was too similar to hers. But here's the truth: no one owns the rights to NLP, TIME Techniques, Hypnosis, EFT, or any of it. The recordings she criticized were uniquely tailored to my personal needs, not mere replicas as she alleged. It became clear that she hadn't even taken the time to listen to them herself.

The Power of Authentic Connection:

Despite her attempts to suppress my work, I witnessed an incredible surge in the growth of my podcast, The Commitment Code. Launched just a few months ago, it has already quadrupled the number of listeners. Why? Because I poured my heart and soul into promoting it and creating genuine connections with my audience. My focus has always been on helping you attract quality love, relationships, and opportunities by bravely facing yourself and healing from past traumas, abuse, and limiting beliefs.

Unmasking the Illusion:

The unfortunate truth is that this industry figure has a history of bullying others, relying on scare tactics and manipulation. Initially, I saw her as a role model, but I now recognize her for what she truly is—a master marketer skilled at crafting a carefully curated image on social media. However, this experience has led me to a powerful realization.

Discovering the Hidden Gift:

My grandmother once told me, "Don't ever let anyone dim your light."

Her words resonate deeply with me now. Imagine being recognized and seen as a threat by a giant in the industry! It's mind-blowing. Her threatening email ignited a fire within me, rekindling a spark that had been missing for a while. Today, I not only believe in my voice and work, but I KNOW and TRUST it with unwavering certainty.

There's Room for All:

Contrary to her limiting belief, there's room for everyone in this industry. The world is abundant, and the desire to be the sole figurehead only hinders progress for everyone involved. While she may attract followers with her luxurious lifestyle, my people resonate with me because I'm a regular person, passionate about making a difference and being accessible to others. I'm here to empower and support you, not to flaunt material possessions or elaborate routines.

Changes in Approach:

To ensure the safety and integrity of my work, I have made the decision to remove my personal audio hypnosis and meditation library from public access. These recordings were tailored to specific clients, and offering them for free to the internet at large poses risks and devalue the personalized services that my clients have invested in. However, I am actively exploring ethical ways to share my audio libraries, such as through a membership platform or individual purchases.

A Bright Future Ahead:

I want to assure you that even though some content will come with a price tag, I value our community and your support. As a special member, you can still access the Confidence recording you received when signing up for the email list. Additionally, I'm working on creating more valuable resources that will benefit you on your journey.

Join me on this Journey:

I invite you to share your favorite audio experiences and DM me to let me know which recordings resonated deeply with you. Your voice matters

Angela Gray