Live like Alice in Wonderland

Living in the past is keeping you stuck because you are only open to seeing the past.

You have given meaning to everything you see based on the past.
It is why you are never upset for the reasons you think you are.
Projection is Perception.
You project your past onto the present.
You project your past into your future.

You are continuing to operate from past events, emotions, and circumstances that are keeping you in this negative loop of despair, hurt & abandonment.

You need to look with fresh eyes & heart.

I get it, old ideas are difficult to change, especially when you are not aware of the programming behind those limiting ideas. The same is true of our ideas of time. Everything you believe is rooted in time & depends on your not asking questions about it. Yet that is EXACTLY why you need to explore new ideas about time & how you can collapse time to create the outcomes you desire in the future and even go back to heal past memories.

You can literally heal your past on a cellular level, so you can be, do & have ANYTHING you dream up!

Take a cup, for example. How would you KNOW it was a cup without any prior experiences of picking up a cup, being thirsty, drinking from a cup, feeling the rim of a cup against your lips, having breakfast, etc? Everything about this cup you learned in the past. You would have no idea what this cup is, except for your past understanding of it. So, then, do you REALLY see it?

Alice took a chance on herself that she COULD DO IT! Whatever IT was for her. Maybe she knew, maybe she didn’t, maybe she only had this burning curiosity to find out what she was TRULY made of?

And she learned that betting on herself, despite what others may think of her, was the best choice she could ever make. She set out on her hopes, dreams & goals with the innocent, excited eyes of a child to create a world of her dreams, just for her!

If you are okay living your life the way it is, with no change; Every year like the last, nothing to look forward to, watching everyone around you grow & change and do exciting cool things, I am not the coach for you.

If you are ready to heal & live life on your own terms, click here to learn more!

Angela Gray