When you are grieving...


There are many times we will grieve in our lifetime.

That first heartbreak…

Starting a new school…

Friendships change and sometimes end…



New starts…

Even the final season of your beloved sitcom.

Relationships change and end.

When someone passes.

To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die.
— Hazel Gaynor

There are countless other reasons and times someone may grieve. And it never seems to look or feel the same. Each loss is a whole new experience. With different circumstances.

Yet each one offers us valuable life lessons. And chances to grow.

And break the (^$! down.

Feel your feelings. Every one of them is valid. Even when they seem to contradict each other.

Hypnosis has helped me and my clients move through our grief. I’ve included a link here to a recording.

Feel free to use this resource to help you when the time is right. Only you know when that time is.

The grieving process looks different to everyone, every time. Under no circumstances are you to rush or push your feelings aside. Feel them. Let them run their course. Have grace with yourself and others.


Be sure to save this for when you need it and to share it with someone you know who could use it.

Angela Gray